Human Resources


  • Provide expert advice and support for interview panels
  • Available as independent professional recruiter for your recruitment process
  • Provide behaviourist questions for more effective assessment of candidates at interview
  • Provide Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI@) profiling to understnad the thinking of the applicant and assess their strengths against the position description and requirements of the position.
  • Provide GENOS Emotional Intelligence profiling to better assess your candidates.
  • Provide specific questions for the interview to 'double check' claims of their expertise..

Compliance Audits

  • Facilitate a comprehensive compliance audit - to ensure your business is fully covered in relation to people management.
  • Check what you have in place, identify actions required to increase compliance and to eliminate or minimise your risk of exposure in relation to workplace health and safety, discrimination, and general industrial provisions.
  • Identify the gaps in your policies and procedures and recommend actions to increase the protection for you and your business.

Industrial Relations

  • Assist your business with the complex world of industrial relations.
  • Ensure you obtain the most effective solutions for your business
  • Assist you ensure you are operating on a fair and reasonable manner, in relation to pay a conditions, and meeting your obligations in relation to the relevant industrial instruments.
  • Assist with the resolution of disputes that arise in the workplace and mediate practical workable solutions.
  • Assist with the interpretation of industrial instruments, such as Federal Modern Awards, NSW State Industrial Legislation and Award and Enterprise Agreements (EA).
  • Assist with the development and negotiation of EA's or the review of existing ones.

A proactive approach to Industrial relations assist your business in attracting and retaining good qualified staff and lessens the likelihood of issues arising which will lead to reduced productivity, and possible disputes and litigation

Performance Management

  • Reviewing, refining, or developing and implementing performance management systems with the aim to achieve improvements in productivity, moral and motivation of staff and increased positive business results.
  • Review current systems, policies and procedures
  • Develop performance management system documentation, including policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Provide advice and coaching for the application of the performance management system.
  • Provide training modules on having those difficult conversations
  • Assist with any disputes which may arise from the application of the system.

Managing Internal Conflicts

Managing internal complaints can take valuable resources and time to investigate and resolve.   We can manage internal complains and conduct interviews, investigations, ensuring both Procedural fairness and Natural Justice is maintained throughout the process.  We can: Conduct workplace investigations in relation to alleged fraud / theft or other misconduct Interview and or investigate, gather the facts and make recommendations for action

Workplace Investigations

Linda has a Certificate IV in Government Investigation, and can assist by conducting a workplace investigation, which discovers the facts, protects both parties' right and has an outcome that can be acted upon without infringing procedureal fairness or natural justice which eliminates the risks associated with dispute and or litigation.

Why Investigate:

Workplace Investigations conducted properly can give a positive outcome for your business.  If the investigation is carried out correctly it can assist in the resolution of a complaint or the defence of a legal claim against your business.

Investigations may become necessary:

  • if you become aware of possible conduct by an employee which could result in disciplinary action or even dismissal.  Examples include breaches of policy or illegal conduct.
  • if an employee lodges a complaint about the behaviours of another employee, e.g. harassment or bullying
  • Under the Fair Work act in an employee claims that she / he has a workplace right and or she / he has been subjected to adverse action in connection with that right

Incidents that you must investigate:

  • Allegations of threat or fraud
  • Fighting
  • Harrassment
  • Drug taking
  • Breeches of safety provisions
  • Damange or misue of company property